RO/DI - top off - sw mix - drain system



This is my first tank and attempt at setting up such a thing.
Please let me know if you think this can work:

RO to SW Tank

RO top off

Mix SW

SW to tank

From Sump to Drain


Well-Known Member
same... but I get the basic concept. I think you have way too many ball valves... however with what you are doing, I'm pretty sure that it will work. However, I am wondering why you have to have three bulkheads on your saltwater bucket and two on your RO DI unit, why not just one on each at the bottom?
Then again, I do see where you are coming from with the external pump... Just throw a float valve on your top chamber and you're good to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
I am wondering why you have to have three bulkheads on your saltwater bucket
Looks like he is using them so when he needs to "mix" the can be circulated through. I think the 2 bulkheads in the ro container is incase the water level drops...but I agree,you could get away with only 1...unless Im missing something.It looks more complicated than it is. I vote YES it will work.


The tubing leading from the top bulkhead to the bottom bulkhead on the ro container will be clear. That way, you can see the level of water in the container. It is not a must, and I may get rid of it since I'll have a float valve there anyways.
Ifire is correct about the two bulkheads in the SW container. That allows me to use the same pump to mix/circulate the water in the SW container.
snake, I think I can reconfigure things to only have two on the SW one. I'll work on it tonight.
I was trying to create a comlete system that would use one external pump, without having to connect and/or disconnect things on a regular basis. I could probably think of a simpler system that would utilize a few pumps, but I was trying to be more efficient.
Matt and PSU, are you lost alltogether, or about some thing/s in particular?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cosmokramer
The tubing leading from the top bulkhead to the bottom bulkhead on the ro container will be clear. That way, you can see the level of water in the container.
I really like that idea..I WISH I could see the level in my RO trash can...but I must lift the lid off and peek in.


I made a mistake in my last batch of images, it has been corrected. (forgot one of the bulkheads on the RO tank) hee hee