RO/DI unit noise


Im hearing a lot of whistling like noises coming from my fast flush part of my unit. Im wondering b/c it states that the unit should make no noise. Im just curious if anyone else has had this problem or how to fix it?
I have the typhoon brand new.
One more questions does RO water take just as long to make as RO/DI does? They both seem to just trickle out.


Active Member
Sounds like your flow restrictor is fluttering in the line. Try taking the waste line off and re-seating the restrictor. ... or ignore it... I doubt it's a problem.
The RO stage of RO/DI is what causes the very slow production rate. The DI stage can pass water so much faster that the RO process is what determines the production rate of the unit. Ergo RO and RODI would be exactly the same in terms of production rate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Sounds like your flow restrictor is fluttering in the line. Try taking the waste line off and re-seating the restrictor. ... or ignore it... I doubt it's a problem.
The RO stage of RO/DI is what causes the very slow production rate. The DI stage can pass water so much faster that the RO process is what determines the production rate of the unit. Ergo RO and RODI would be exactly the same in terms of production rate.
Holy CRAP!! Dave is back!!
Great always.


Active Member
Each time I come back I say I am gonna really try to get on here more, but then I can't for one reason or another... so I won't say that this time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Each time I come back I say I am gonna really try to get on here more, but then I can't for one reason or another... so I won't say that this time.

No need to explain Dave... I totally understand. We all have lives outside these boards. I find myself not on as much as I used to be.... But,there is a whole new batch of "newbies" (and some of us old timers) that can benifit from your seemenly endless knowledge. Good to "see" ya! Now how about an update on YOUR tank.
BTW sorry to hijack... I have a typhoon 3 and have never had an issue with noise. I do agree with Dave...Its probably not a problem. My unit produces roughly the same amount of water...RO or Ro/DI takes the same amount of time .


It only makes that sound when the unit is working.
Yea I believe its the flow restrictor b/c its right there, but what do you mean by "reseat it"?
FYI It gets louder when I have it closed to when its open. I wanna fix the problem b/c its kinda loud and annoying.
So if I wanna hook up my RO side to my fridge I can do that b/c the fridge itself should have a storage tank to hold the water right?
Thx for info.


Active Member
Not sure what you mean by "Have it closed"....
If you take the plumbing fitting apart where the flow restrictor is located, you'll see that the restrictor can be removed for cleaning and/or replacement. The restrictor is paired to the membrane, so they build them so if you buy a higher capacity membrane, you can get a matching flow restrictor and install it.
So take the fitting apart and make sure everything is sitting the "way it looks like it should be." Sometimes just reseating things makes little problems go away.
Are you thinking of using the fridge as your RODI storage? The storage tank in the fridge doesn't hold much... less than a gallon usually, among other problems with doing this...


Yea ill take that piece apart and see if that does the job.
No I wasn't going to use my fridge to store my RO/DI water just RO water. It has one of those mini filters, but they don't do crap. I think 1g should be enough for me I really don't plan on drinking that much water at once. My RO/DI water will be stored in a brute trashcan.
At first I was thinking about getting a under the sink storage tank, but can you imagine trying to run a tube through the attic and walls to the kitchen sink. If you have a easy way of doing that let me know.
One more thing I bought one of those premate pumps and I have it installed between my membrane and my DI filter. Is that right or did I hook it up wrong?


Active Member
I haven't used those pumps, but I'm pretty sure you need to hook them up before the membrane... they are used to boost city water pressure to higher levels to up your production rate.
As for your fridge, one more thing I completely forgot to mention is that you shouldn't drink RODI water. It won't hurt you, but it won't help you either. The RODI process strips out many essential minerals that your body needs.