RO/DI Unit - Water Temperature


So I recently bought a 6 step RO/DI unit online. It has two outputs so one can serve clean RO water for drinking and the other can produce complete RO/DI water for the aquarium.
I have been wanting to set it up under the sink, attached to the cold water pipes, since it is a nice device and I would like to have a fresh water spout (no more lugging around 8lb fresh water jugs for me).
However, my parents are super paranoid that the tubing may someday pop out and flood the kitchen. They suggested I put it out in the shed with a water line that would enter from the outside. The problem is, it gets over 113 degrees here in the summer and I'm afraid that the pipe, and the water inside, would become scalding hot.
Can hot water damage a RO/DI unit? This brand recommends that the water passing through it be at 77 degrees. Can hot water do anything like warp the filters/mesh or cause the unit to malfunction? I'd REALLY prefer to keep it in the cool house and I'm sure that knowing about this issue may help my case. Thanks for your time,


I really think keeping it in the house is your best bet. I personally wouldn't put mine in the shed.
Not 100% sure if I'm right on this but I think the hot water will pass through the membraine easier and possibly let some impurities pass into your filtered water. I know that my filter puts out more GPH when the water is warm. I guess you could test it with a TDS meter and make sure that the output water reads 0.
Another option is to get a kit to hook it right to the faucet and drain into the sink. Just set it on the counter when in use, and disconnect and store when not. Thats how I use to do it when I lived in a apartment.
Good Luck


thats what I have is a fawcet adapter then when I need it I use the shower I throw abucket in there and the waste runs down the drain

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mike15
The problem is, it gets over 113 degrees here in the summer and I'm afraid that the pipe, and the water inside, would become scalding hot.
I wouldn't worry about it, just hook it up to the cold water source..
Even if you get a 113 degree weather, the water supply will not come out that Hot, unless you live in the dessert..
Most of all North america water supply comes to your house at 50-60 degrees ..
ro/di units run best if water temp is around 78 degrees, warmer water gives more efficiency. Avoid using real hot water though.. but i wouldn't worry about it, unless you hook up the unit to the Hot water source in laundry room.