RO/DI vs purchased H2O


OK, so after some reading, my 10% weekly water changes from mu PUR water filter arent going to cut it (at least its not brita:D ). So, do I really need to buy RO/DI, or can I just go to safeway or wherever and buy their water? Considering I change just a gallon a week, I'm ok paying 50 cents a gallon for it (for now, I completely understand that as I upgrade, RO/DI will be necessary, but I'm a young pup and have little extra cash)


Active Member
You can but RO water in gallon jugs at walmart, they also have distilled, I have a combo of both. Also, to save 60 cents you can buy a plastic bottle at WM for about a dollar and get refills for 33 cents, at least thats what they have at my walmart.


Active Member
If you buy the gallon jusgs, save them after they are empty. Walmart will let you refill them at the RO machine for the 33 cents and you don't have to pay extra for the plastic jugs.


At my work they have a "glacier" machine that refills purified water for cheap too. Its more expensive in the long run but cheaper in the begining and that all i care about lol.