RO/DI water, now what?


New Member
I just purchased a new RO/DI unit and I'm not sure what to add to the RO/DI water? For saltwater do I just add my salt mix, or do I add some other type of conditioner? For freshwater, what do I add, if anything at all? Thanks for the help!!


Active Member
Salt mix should be all you need for saltwater. As for freshwater, I don't know if I would use Ro/DI water. You wouldn't have anything left to buffer the PH and could find yourself with wide swings.


Active Member

Originally posted by jumpfrog
Salt mix should be all you need for saltwater. As for freshwater, I don't know if I would use Ro/DI water. You wouldn't have anything left to buffer the PH and could find yourself with wide swings.

Just wondering what you think buffers ph in tap water?
Use RO/DI water just add your salt mix and heat it up and keep it moving with a powerhead. Let it sit about 24hrs


Active Member
I might be out to lunch on this as I'm still learning the water chemistry. But I was thinking that if the RO/DI removed most of the minerals and impurties from the water it would make it very soft as in dkh = 0. That might be fine for discus or something needing soft water; but, try having a mbuna tank and keep a ph at 8 with nothing to buffer the water?
Am I missing something?
At any rate. For saltwater, keeping to forum, just adding mix should be all that is needed.