RO DI & well water?


i have been getting my RO water from wal-mart. but between gas and the size of my tank, doing water changes is starting to get pretty expensive.
I have well water, not very good well water at that, I don't even drink it. its very high in iron (stains everything rust color) and has a slight odder to it. would a RO DI unit work for me having a well in such bad shape ?


Active Member
You may consider adding an additional sediment prefilter stage (stage 1) to help trap large debris before they get into the RO membrane, and you may also consider adding a second carbon stage to help knock down odors and neutralize chemical impurities (well water can have pollutants in it from lawn fertilizers, etc).
You can easily purchase separate canisters to add to your system and add these things on if you desire.
You can also place a "T" fitting between the RO stage and the DI (DeIonization) stage and collect drinking water as well.



I used well water in the past and constantly fought hair, slime, decreased redox,etc,etc.
After getting a spectrapure maxcap RO/DI system all problematic organisms vanished.
I think that the initial investment (about $350 if I remember correctly) will not only pay for itself in time,gas and purchased water, it will make your life easier and let you enjoy the hobby more.
I tell anyone who asks me about setting up a reef that it should be among the first things bought.

If your water is really poor quality you may want a good sediment filter to pre filter before going to the RO unit-these can be found at Home Depot, Lowes, etc.
Hope this helps.