RO Filter Installation Please Help

We just got our RO filter, a Typhoon Reefkeeper III. I think I understand the installation instructions, but it seems a bit more complicated than it needs to be. Any commnents, suggestions, or tips on RO filter installation (general or this specific model)?


Active Member
where are you going to hook it up?,you need a water supply and a waste line or drain , and something to store the Good water


I have the same system. It was a snap to hook up with the hose attachment in my wash room. Just get a diverter valve from HD or Lowes. 1 end goes to the filter the other back to the machine. The waste line goes in the waste line from the washer. The other method is a little more detailed. Just like hooking up a ice maker on a frige.


Staff member
There have been a good deal of discussion on these systems resently in the Equiptment Forum. Do a search.
Moving to Equiptment.