RO malfunction?


I have a seachem 35 gpd RO unit. I noticed about a week ago that the pressure guage was stuck on zero when the unit was in operation. So either the pressure guage isnt working or the unit itself is broken.
I took some water out of my storage can to be tested. The LFS said that nothing looked out of the ordinary except the ph was 6.8 and it should be a neutral 7. Well, i went to another LFS to get a second opinion and the guy said that you can't test RO water when it first comes out of the unit becuase it is so pure you can't get an accurate reading. What do I need to do?
Also do I need to upgrade from a RO to a RO/DI unit? Is there a significant difference between the water quality of one compared to the other another?


Active Member
The pH or RODI product water is largely irrelevant. The water has virtually no alkalinity so the pH can swing wildly. I've seen RO water read one thing in my storage tank in the garage, and dispensing it into a bucket changes the pH by more than two points just due to the sloshing around it got while being dumped.
The TDS is what's important. If they are testing the TDS and it reads okay, then your water is fine.


Active Member
I gotta admit I'm not 100% sure myself.
I look at it proporationally. My tap water reads several hundred, my RO product water reads usually about 3 or 4. I'm happy with that.


Active Member
They are cheap.... your LFS should have them, but you can get them online from aquatic supply houses or RO companies like Air-Water-Ice.
If you pay more than $25 you paid too much.