RO replacement filter question


I can't find carbon filter replacements that look like what I have. Mine is the white (I have two of these). The black is what I got at HD, the tag on the shelf said "carbon wrapped". Mine are a lot heavier and obviously flow from one end to the other, however I can see that both designs will force water to go through the filter media. My RO system came with the house, the brand is Amtrol. I've looked at Wally's, HD and L's--they have nothing that looks like my old carbon filters. Is this the right type of replacement or do I need to order online or something?



Anyone that is familiar with these please help? I am trying to research it, it looks like the cartridges I'm replacing are "granular activated carbon", as opposed to carbon block or "carbon wrapped" as these black ones said on the package. I don't know if the new ones are doing the job. The water in Phoenix tastes terrible, and after hooking everything back up and running it for a few minutes,
a) It tastes terrible, just like un-filtered tap water
b) It's coming out a lot faster and not turning to a trickle the way it used to after running for a minute
Either I hooked it up wrong, or I bought the wrong cartridge. Maddeningly, this is the only type I could find anywhere with the word "carbon" on the side!