ro unit help!!!


i got my unit from filter guys and everything was fine,my problem is my psi is at 20 i was told to be around 50.Second question what happens if i run my ro for an hour and shut it off,does the water in the filter go bad if i let it sit for a day or two


Active Member
THe water will be fine sitting in there. Many of us have our RO units on automatic float switches where they keep a tank of water filled up. My RO unit is always full of water, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


My psi is at 45. Really slow and I believe it produces more waste that way. My girlfriend and I have the same unit and her psi is at 85 and she produces less waste. I just ordered a RO pump that claims up to 120 psi from Bulk Reef Supply with a water saver kit that came in today. Should improve my output. Your only option would be is to get that pump as well.