RO units..How long for intial flush..New


Active Member
So i got a new RO unit today..I have never had one always just bought DI water at walmart..So how many gallons should I flush through the system first before I start using it...its a 24GPD unit


I just got one also and the manual says after the fourth time you can start using it. Mine is a smaller unit 4 stage. Good luck with hooking it up. I was going to walmart for the ro water also for my 75 gallon and its 74 cents a gallon now up from 72 cents. Water changes are a pain doing it like that. Only 1 gallon jugs now. They did away with the 2.5 gal ones by me anyway.


Active Member
after the fourth time what? that doesnt make any sense..I can turn the water on and off 4 times..but what does the 4th time mean

naclh2o nut

Help some one. Mine is due today and I need to do a water change any day now. I hope someone chimes in on this. I read this somewhere was thinking it was 1/2 day of water for the unit. a 24 GPD would need 12 gallons tossed out. Is this good or what?


Active Member
Run 3 or 4 gallons thru, throw that away (water your plants with it), then start collecting...

This old rule of thought is just intended to clean out all the pipes and break in the new lines before you add this new water to your tank.

naclh2o nut

Thanks t316. Where is UPS, is it to earlier. Man it feels like christmas, lights on friday(love them), New corals on Saturday, RO/DI today, P/H today and I'm going shopping at the local coral store today. (DW wants to add some more color now that we have the right lights)


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
after the fourth time what? that doesnt make any sense..I can turn the water on and off 4 times..but what does the 4th time mean
Yes sorry about no being more clear. You make 3 tank loads of water whatever the tank holds and discard that and then on the fourth tank you can use that water. This gets all the carbon out. Hope you get it going. Like mine it takes 4 to 6 hours to make 3 gallons or so. I would discard this 3 times by opening the faucet handle and then after the fourth fill I can use that for my tank.


Active Member
So your saying I should make 90 gallons of water to disguard..that would be 3 tank loads for me..since I got a 30g tank.
I dont think those sound like very good directions..what brand do you have that it tells you that.
i just ran it for 2hrs and called it a day..figure that was long enough to get anything settling inside out


Yeah that sounds good for you. I have only a 3 gallon tank under my kitchen sink so by me throwing away 9 gallons is nothing compared to 90 gal. t316 is right in what he says.
Have fun!