RO Units


I dont have a RO source accept my fish store witch sells the stuff for $.10 a gallon. I dont really want to go to the fish store to get water everytime I do a water change. I have herd of RO Units that are actually part of the tanks filtration. Has anyone of you herd of these? Had experience with them? Thanks a bunch, in advance!


Active Member
You neeed an RO unit for your water changes right? Are you asking for a trickle type filter where you run piping to the tank from your spicket? I would be very careful of this (potential water leak all over the house).
There are a number of RO units that do between 50-10GPD and that's about all you need to do a water changes.


What I suggest, is go to home depot and buy a 5 or 7 gallon drum for like $10 or so. And whenever you go to your lfs fill it up just so you have it on hand. It's a life saver. And if you don't have the water on hand, run to the grocery store and buy a gallon or two of purifed water. Also $.10 per gallon is a good deal, around here it's like $.30 or so.