RO water test


New Member
I'm doing a 20% water change. I tested my RO water before I put the salt mix in. this is what i came out with. I used api test kit. what do you pros think.
salinity less than 1.00
ph 7.4
ammonia was yellow. off the chart
trites 0 blue
trates 0 yellow
alkalinity less than 1dkh pale yellow after first drop
calcuim pale blue after first drop
phosphate 0 pale green/yelloish
when I mixed my salt into water should ph go up. What should I look for besides temp and salinity.
2nd question. I bought a used 30gal tank with all the extras. with it came a box of nautilus marine salt mix. The box has sat for over a year and the salt is somewhat like a rock. first is there an expiration on salt mix second is this a good brand of salt mix (I have a FOWLR tank). Third how much salt do I mix in with RO water (5gal water change). need answers. thanks