RO Water???


its water that has been filter to take out most if not all impuritys of the water. most people use it to keep metals and other pullutants that can be in normal tap water. as where you can get it some LFS carry it that you buy from them or you can buy an ro/di unit that will filter your tap water at home..
hope it helps


Active Member
no it's better than that...i have heard good things about pur on here from a guy named whipple i believe. RO is different and it is the best..people say. I use tap and I have some algae problems...not too bad but if I can find RO water cheap then I'd like to use RO water. Broomer5 posted a link in the "whipple" thread of where to get a RO Unit for around $100.


they help but not the same if you go to right and go to dry goods find reverse osmosis unit it will show a picture they actually do more filter of the water the pur or brita if you have pur or britta and cant get an ro/di unit that its still better than plain old tap water but the ro/di is actually alot better to use than the others..