RO Water


:thinking: Currently I don't have an RO unit and don't have any experience with them, but I would like to get one so I don't have to keep going to the local Aqua2000 station. Do you just hook one up in your house and get your water from there, or do you hook it directly up to the tank and let it keep your water clean? I kind of figure option number one since, I assume, the unit would remove the salt from the water and kill everything. Please advise.


You make your RO/DI water with them separate from the tank. Normally, plumbed with you washer water supply and return. Collect the water to mix up salywater for water changes and for your top-off due to evaporation. Do Not runyour tank water thru it!!!!!


I wouldn't and salt to your ro water to topoff with. Salt does not evap. like water, so if you use saltwater to topoff with you will be adding to much salt. Just use the ro water with out adding salt. And worry about the salt later. I have a Coralife R/O unit and it screws on to my fauset and I nice clean water. :joy:


i'm looking into getting an RO unit and i'd like to know if there's a way to only turn it on when i need it because i don't have any crazy storage just a couple of 5 gal buckets.


Ok, ro stands for reverse osimois ( spelling isn't my strong suite). My ro unit is nice I can fill up a 5 gallon jug and then take it off and put the unit back in the closet. It was about $100 on line. It's filters 24 gal. a day. You can buy ro water at most lfs. Mine sells it for about .89 cents a gal.


Thanks guys. I just wanted to make sure I had it right. Don't worry, I don't mix salt in when compensating for evaporation.