ro water



The ph should be neutral after going through ro. Most salt mixes should stabilize the salt water in a healthy range. Not needing additional buffering. However, as of recently due to a bad mix of salt being purchased by a member on this board (Thomas), I'd check your ph before adding it to your tank.


New Member
I work at a LFS, and we sell RO. The process makes it very acidic and soft. I''ve had to buffer mine up a ways to get it in a good range. I recommend the seachem marine buffer.


Active Member
I use RO/DI water with a total dissolved solids spec of 3ppm. It has a natural ph of about 8.0. I use kent supperbuffer though when needed for dkh adjustments. You should always test before makeing adjustments though IMO.

nm reef

Active Member
I use Ro water from a local source and repeated tests show the PH is normally right at 8.0
I don't adjust the Ph for top-off due to the addition of kalkwasser and my normal water changes are abou5 gal every two weeks or so(total volume is close to 130-140 gal)...such a small water change with a 8.0 Ph has little effect on the normal Ph of 8.2-8.3
But it is a good idea to accurately test Ph and to aany sudden swings up or down.

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