

Not totally sure, I asked just about the same question and was told to have a lid on it, and a powerhead in there and it should be ok for a while...dont take my word for it, im new to this.


Active Member
Should last indefinitely in a air tight container. In a mixing tank (trash can) as long as nothing infects it it should be good for quite a while....


Active Member
i left a bunch of 5gal sealed jugs outside for a day in the sun this last week and they green algaed up on me. they've never been used for anything but 6stage ro/di, so it surprised me.
just to say, random stuff happens. i didn't expect it.


there had to be some sort of contaniments in there for it to start growing algae. Did you make this water and use sterilized jugs?
I wouldnt store water to long unless its sterilized containers and completely sealed or things will get into it.


Active Member
Not sure if this applies at all but for what it is worth. I used to be in charge of an ultra pure water system. The water had to be kept moving at a a pretty good speed to prevent bacteria from growing. Even then we did bacteria tests and sanitized the system once a year.
Also we drink a lot of bottled water, and if we open a bottle and take a drink and then forget about it, WOW can it smell bad in about week. Bottled water is DI water with some minerals added for taste.
So I think RO/DI water could sit for awhile, but not indefinitely.
Sorry if I confused y'all.