

Active Member
I was wondering about RO water. I have been getting it form the fish store. People say that they have been buying it at groery stores. is it in the jugs at the store, or do you have to ask them to fill up a container for you?? I look at meijer and all they have is distilled water, but it doesn't say Ro on it. I am looking into a unit.
You buy the empty 5-gallon bottles there and fill them up yourself at a water machine. I go and get four bottles at a time. All major grocery stores should have machine with easy instructions.


Wal mart carries 1 gallon jugs. maybe some carry 5 gallon jugs but mine definately does not have a machine. The 1 gallon jugs cost 58 cents each. Until I got my own RO/DI system I was many a time seen leaving wal mart with 20-30 jugs of the stuff.


not all do some places actually have good maintaince on the machines some are not as good therefore you could get some bad water. test the water and make sure or look for RO water at walmart and such but you have to read the label for RO filtered. some water will also be charcoal filteres or cold filtered along with the RO filtering.


Active Member
I get mine from the grocery store. Tested it, and it was a-ok. The walmart i go to doesnt maintain it, a seperate ompany maintains it, and it has a detailed service record on the machine. Good stuff, 25 cents a gallon.


beaslbob have you ever used RO water and look at the filters after running water through them? just courious


Active Member
leapord: I would just tap water.
hmm good advice bob....Definately not. Tap water is bad stuff when it comes to SW. Sure it works, but it has metals in it. when water evaporates from the tank, the metals stay. Keep using tap over time and what do you get? Alot of metals in your tank. No thanx:(


Active Member
ok, so I go to the grocery store, and they don't have a RO unit. So I thought I would buy a cheap gallon of "Spring" Water. I tested the Ph, and it was 7.0. So I was wondering if I can mix it with tap water, and put it in my tank. My tank is cycling so I didn't k now if this would mess it up.


Active Member
tap waters ph is 7.0 unless they have additives in your town that increase it. Pure Fresh Water is a neutral substance, neither aidic or basic, all water (except salt) has a ph of 7.0 or should at least acording to basic chemistry.


Active Member
So does that mean that I can use the water I bought In my tank? There is no ammonia in it, all my tests came back negative when I checked them.


Active Member
I only bought one gallon. I just want to fill up my sump from the evaportation. So will the one gallon I have hurt the tank? Like I said it is still cycling. I won't use this water again. On the lable it says carbon filtered and ozonated for purity, but that is it. You think it will be ok for me to use just this once???