rock anemone


New Member
i have these things growing every where and from what i have heard and seen they are either rockanemones or aptasia"s (are they the same thing?) Any way from talking to different people they said to get peppermint shrimp. So i did and the shrimp hid for a couple days then I saw a hermit crab eating one and i havent seen the other one (I'm pretty sure he was part af the hermits shrimp cocktail) Is that normal for the crabs to eat peppermint shrimp? If so what else can i get to eat these rock anemone/aptasia things. I really need something cause these things are growing everywhere!
thanks for the help!


Active Member
I don't have many in my tank,but what I use is a marinade injector. I boil water in the microwave,suck it up into the injector,and flood the bugger with hot water. I tried the small syringe,but it seemed to cool off to quick,so I went bigger. If you try to remove them manually they will grow back from a cell.


Active Member
This a rock anemone. Aptasia generally is considered undesireable. I wouldn't worry unless it's a reef tank though: