Rock anenome


New Member
We have rock anenome taking over how can we get rid of it? We have several corals that are attached to more than one rock. Our LFS said we have to take every rock out and scrub with brush. Scared we will loose alot of the corals.... Help?????


this is what I use and it works well might take some time though.
use a syringe with boiling water and inject them at the base dont rip them though or they will spread even more.
another way is to use kalkwasser paste just thin enough to go through a syringe and inject that in to them.
peppermint shrimp will help control some of the smaller ones that you may have missed in the process but will also go after other polyps so youll have to watch them close but most will do the job. also you have to make sure they are peppermints and not camel backs they look real similiar.