Rock Beauty


New Member
My lfs got in a Rock Beauty and I have been keeping my eye on it for a few weeks now. I really love it and was thinking of buying it. I noticed a few days ago that it was really picking at the snails and crabs. Then when I went in the store yesterday it was attacked a starfish like literally attacking it the poor starfish was already missing a leg. I told the owner and she said she knew but there was nothing she could do :mad: unless I wanted to take the starfish home. So she gave him to me for free. I have him at home now and he looks so beat up. I was wondering if there is anything that I can do to help him heal up if that is possible. I will not be buying a rock beauty for my tank I can tell you.


New Member
It is a blue linka star. I feel so bad for him. I have 2 blue linka stars already and they are doing marvelous in my tank. I have had them for a few years now. He looks pretty rough. I don't think he should have been in the tank with the rock beauty do you know if this is common for rock beauties I don't know that much about the rock beauties


Active Member
Yes, it can be common for them to pick on starfish. Being that it is a blue linkia, there is not much more you can do then provide top notch water quality. I am assuming you gave it a long and slow acclimation?


New Member
yes I did acclimatize him slowly. He spends most of his time attached to the bottom of a piece of the live rock in my tank. This morning when the lights were out in the tank still I could see him in the front of the tank moving around on the sand. He is very pale compared to my other 2 who are very bright blue but I guess this probably has to do with the shape he is in. I have no fish in my tank right now just some shrimp, snails, crabs and a couple of strawberry conches so no one in the tank to pick on him for at least a couple more weeks. I may wait until he is better before adding anything to the tank so as not to stress him anymore. Do you think this is the way to go?


Active Member
Yeah, I definitely think this is the way to go. Plus, that way, it is much easier to have the best water quality.


New Member
Thanks for your help I really appreciate it. I know it probably sounds stupid for me to be so concerned about 1 little starfish but that is me. This is the lady that has 4 rescued dogs and 4 cats (only 3 are rescues though) and a horse but that was not a rescue either. I also had a blue regal tank that I rescued from my lfs that was in a small 10 gallon tank and she was approx 8 inches long when I got her she has since died but I had her for a few years before she died, and an 86 gallon tank that houses one black ghost fish that someone was going to throw out and then of course my salt water tank. So as you can see I have a soft spot for all creatures. I will let you know how I make out with the star


Active Member
Well, I wish you the best of luck with the star. I am the same way with animals, so I know where you are coming from.


New Member
Well the starfish is still alive he looks like he has healed up where he was missing his leg the other legs though are still pretty beat up. He is very slow moving when he moves around. I know starfish are slow moving anyway but for a starfish he is very slow moving. He seems to move around one day and then take a day to rest lol. I really hope the poor little guy makes it Just thought I would update you he looks so pale in comparison to my other stars