Rock Placement


I am three weeks into keeping my 15 Gallon tank. I have around 14lbs of LR and 10lbs of LS. O and a 5lb or so texas holey rock.
In my tank I have a yellowtail damsel, one nass. snail (previously two) and 5 small zebra hermits. I have 5 total big rocks and a few random rubble laying in the sand.
My damsel has created 3 large ditches in the sand. One is on the left corner and there is a tunnel to the other side of that piece of LR one is in the middlish rightish in the back and side on the right. I have had my damsel for 6 days and when I feed him he comes out grabs a piece of flake and brings it back to his hiding spot then comes back out grabs a flake etc.
He seems very comfortable in the tank now but I would like to seem him more. It seems that many people have their LR in a pick pile for corals to sit. I know that this is a nice way to be able to see your fish. I'm just worried about my fish feeling comfortable. I think it would be possible to create a igloo type effect where it is a big dome with an entrance or entrances. Any input? I will try to get a picture tomorrow in the afternoon and post it. I appreciate any opinions or pictures etc.
Thank you!


Originally Posted by Quaos
I am three weeks into keeping my 15 Gallon tank. I have around 14lbs of LR and 10lbs of LS. O and a 5lb or so texas holey rock.
In my tank I have a yellowtail damsel, one nass. snail (previously two) and 5 small zebra hermits. I have 5 total big rocks and a few random rubble laying in the sand.
My damsel has created 3 large ditches in the sand. One is on the left corner and there is a tunnel to the other side of that piece of LR one is in the middlish rightish in the back and side on the right. I have had my damsel for 6 days and when I feed him he comes out grabs a piece of flake and brings it back to his hiding spot then comes back out grabs a flake etc.
He seems very comfortable in the tank now but I would like to seem him more. It seems that many people have their LR in a pick pile for corals to sit. I know that this is a nice way to be able to see your fish. I'm just worried about my fish feeling comfortable. I think it would be possible to create a igloo type effect where it is a big dome with an entrance or entrances. Any input? I will try to get a picture tomorrow in the afternoon and post it. I appreciate any opinions or pictures etc.
Thank you!
We have a simple oceanic bio cube for qt tank and then our big display tank but you are welcome to see our rock work. Very proud of our big one ALL live everythign. And the smaller is lr ls and fish only
