Rock Placement?


Ive had my 15 gallon high set up for eh...8 months I think. Yea about that, Im givinging it a water change today and if my dad will take me im going to a local fishstore to buy some liverock. MY tank isnt a cube just a 15 gallon tall. My brother has given me the lighting system and he has some corals which hes ready to give me. I was wondering what ways you guys would reccomending placeing LR to leave places to put the coral. Im just so scared im gonna mess the tank up and make it look bad. I am a kid and currently my funding is only like 120$ :( but christmas is coming, Oh and I have a 4in or so clown trigger, form another tank what should I do with him, I have to breakdown that tank. I want to sell him but no place will take him.