rock placement??


do you guys/gals try to keep your rock in the middle of the tank or let it rest on the back?? im still a newbie to the hobby, but addicted already!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Placement is a matter of personal preference. The key though is to make sure it is very stable. There are several types of critters that can knock over unstable rockwork (hermits and burrowing gobies are just 2 examples). Make sure your bottom layer is very stable in the substrate. I partially burry my bottom layer of rocks just to be sure. Then, when stacking rocks, make sure you have at least 3 good points of contact with the rocks below and the weight of the rock is mostly centered over those 3 points of contact.
FWIW... in my 75g tank, I have the rock randomly scattered in the tank, none touching the glass - that's just the way I prefer it in my FOWLR. In my 44g reef, I have it piled up against the sides and the back. It's the only way I could get a decent amount of rock in a pentagon tank.


Yea pretty much what jacksonpt had to say but I went one step further. I placed and cut to fit a peice of eggcrate on the bottom of the tank just so that in the event of any reefalanche happening it would not strike the glass bottom, this might not be so important in a DSB but I have a SSB instead.


I wouldnt let it rest against the back of the tank. I like to keep the rocks far enough away from the glass to allow for cleaning, at least an inch or so. Plus you want water circulation to get back there, no "dead' spots. Jusy my 2cents.