Rock Question


Is there any reason that I can't grab a few nice sized rocks from the back of my house and put it in my saltwater tank. Obviously, I would stay away from rocks that would dissolve - sandstone and limestone. Has anyone else done this?
I have read of people doing this. The things that I would be afraid of is any chemicals leeching into the water. Are you 100% sure that there has never been any fertilizers near the rocks, and that any rain runoff has not come from a place that has used a fertilizer or weed killer or other type of chemical.
It's just one of those things were you're better off safe then sorry. Once things crop up in the tank like algae or unexplained deaths, you'll never be able to rule out contamination from the rocks.
JMO - do what you want to.


Well-Known Member
you should be ok as long as you allow the tank at least a month to balance out and stabilize. All the fertilizer would do is make your algae grow faster. Now pesticites that is a different matter. you could try soaking the rocks in a stront bleach solution and rinsing until the water is clear.


I wouldnt to many unknowns like stated above and the money that we invest and the critters we keep in our tanks it just isnt worth the risks of doing it.
you can get base rock cheap or I beilive its also called lace rock that work just as good but a lot cheaper that LR. check with a few LFS's in your area to see if they can get it or look for HI-ROCKS for base rocks


Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty sure the rock would not have been treated with anything since it was found in the woods. Would soaking it in water for 30 days or so be enough to get rid of any contaminants?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by baondayko
Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty sure the rock would not have been treated with anything since it was found in the woods. Would soaking it in water for 30 days or so be enough to get rid of any contaminants?

should be ok. Just go slow.


Active Member
I guess the biggest question I have is that, the rock is probably not porus like the LR we use, If you want to save money on rock do an internet search on agrocrete, you can make your own LR. Rock from your back yard is not going to help with biological filtration in your tank.
Check out the agrocrete, you may have to wait a little longer but I think you would be happier in the long run. I am planning on doing this when I do my next tank.