rock rubbing


I posted this in disease and treatment but 26 looks and no answers so i am trying a more active forum.
I caught my royal gramma rubbing on rocks and on close inspection its skin in 3 different places is bubbling up.
Tank parameters are as follows
Ammonia 0
nitrites 0
nitrates 10
ph 8.2
salinity 1.024
It looks like a water blister would on your hand. Kind of like the very top layer of skin is blistering off in 3 different places on its left side. I think i can catch the fish but am not sure. It will require some work. Fish has been in tank for 1 week.
I was thinking marycin 2 for treatment. Any thoughts??
55 gallon
4 inch dsb
30 lbs LR
1 green chromis
1 fire shrimp
1 green crab
5 blue leg hermits
1 royal gramma
2 astrea snails


2 different forums this is posted in with tons of looks but no answers?? Does anyone know what might be wrong cause I have no idea.