rock then sand no wait sand then water...


i was wondering for my 24 gallon could i put the rock in then the sand then the water or how should i do it?


Originally Posted by njfish77
i was wondering for my 24 gallon could i put the rock in then the sand then the water or how should i do it?

I heard to put the rock in first so you have a steady base.
Anyway, I read the book "the conscientious aquarist"..Everyone here will HIGHLY suggest it and it gives you much detailed information on how to set everything up. I would not have started this hobby without having read this book first. And twice!


Most people put a layer of sand down first, the seat the rocks into the sand, then add the rest of the sand.
Personally I like to put a layer of eggcrate down first, then sand rock sand.


now all of this is done with or without water in the tank?
also do i have to premix my salt before i put it in my tank or no?


It can be done with or without water, however are you using live sand or dry sand? My answer there could go different ways in the advice department.
Yes, most definatly premix and saltwater before adding, is it critical at this stage? not really but its good to get into proper practice right now, because after setup you will always, always need to premix saltwater to proper temp and salinity before it is added to the system.