rock work

salt one

i have a 75 gallon fish tank and i have had 50 pounds of live rock for about 10 months. i have never found away to place the rock. i am about to start putting corals and things in the tank and want to know the best way to place the rock to make it look more like a reef.

salt one

ok, should i buy more rock to make it go to the top? because right now when i do that it maybe reached half the tanks height, what about tufa rock is that a good base? what about making like and island in the midde of the tank, what is your thoughts?

mr . salty

Active Member
Welcome to the board SALT ONE. Tufa rock can be used under your live rock,put it down first then cover it with live rock.I've seen alot of tanks with the "island" setup,It looks good, and leaves your substrate exposed for your inverts or other fish that like to sift it.


Use tufa rock for the foundation and place your live rock and corals on top. I go for the slopeing up to the top, at the back look as well, I think is creates the most natural view. But it's your tank, do it how you like.


do what you feel is best ,,,, but make sure the rock can not move or something will probally die when it falls.... just make sure the base is solid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!