Rockslide question


New Member
alright so im slowing ading rocks to my tank and was woundering how you guys prevent it from falling over i can get them to stay but it really worries me that my fish will dig out sand from benith it and they will all fall and break my tank is there a glue or somthing and also i want to be able to take them out eventually so how do you guys with those big nice reef tanks stack rocks so high with no problems???


I'm a newbie, so I can't give much advise. One thing that I have done and read throughout the board is that the base rock should not be seeded on top of the sand, it should be placed on the glass at the bottom of the tank so inverts can't dig under it.


My son likes to form a triangle with solid type rocks and places more porous type rocks
on top or inbetween more solid rocks..I've done the same the lighter rocks can be
placed better..i have urchins and a diamond gobie..both of which like to move my will most likely experiment..making caves,and spaces for the fish to go in and out of..good luck


Some people use pvc pipe that is connected to form a sort of base on the bottom of the tank and stack the rock on top of it to create caves for the fish to swim through and to allow more water circulation.