Rockwork Pix Please!!


Active Member
Hey all - we're moving in 2 weeks and I'm planning on rearranging my tank (12 gallon) when we get it to the new place. I need some ideas...
So let's see pix of your rockwork!!! :jumping:


Active Member
Devilboy, is that an Eclipse tank? If it is - I have the same one!! :joy:
A2, your rockwork is GORGEOUS!! What are you planning on keeping there?
Ocnreef, your tank is also full of awesomeness!!!
Thank you all for posting!!! :cheer:


Active Member
A2 - since youre going with a reef, clowns would be GREAT. I also love the sixline wrasse, and firefish r a nice alternative to clowns if you're looking for something just as active.
You could also go with a couple clown gobies, as they are teeeeeny tiny and can be housed in small groups. These fish are ADORABLE and have great personalities, suprisingly.
Not all these fish at once, of course, but contrary to popular opinion there are some really great options for smaller tanks!
let us know what you go with! :joy:


Singobious yahsa are great. Initially they are very shy, but given several months they will be hanging out in the open all the time. Watching them be cleaned by a cleaner shrimp can be startling at first--the shrimp rolls the fish back and forth from side to side on the substrate as if looking for a place for a "first pinch to tear off to eat a dead fish." I feed them live adult brine shrimp (occasionally) and frozen cyclopezee.
Other tank members are 2 cleaners shrimps and a peppermint shrimp and numerous hermitcrabs and snails in addition to numerous small soft corals, eg. encrusting gorgorians, mushrooms, ricordia yuma


Active Member
LoL, funny u should ask that Fedukeford - a bigger tank just sorta fell into my lap a couple days ago. We're going to pick it up tommorrow night! 48gallon with stand and canopy!!


75 gallon. I dropped my canopy so I guess I need to trash it. Everything as far as skimmer and hangons are going in my 10 gallon refugium, The sand kind of gets shallow towards the back as I have three huge base rocks that have tons of holes and crevices. Gives it the illusion of being deep in the back.