roggy23........look here.....changed the title.


Active Member
Wow! I just got my order from here.....I got some assorted snails and whatnot, but the two coolest things.....the purple lobster and orange linkia starfish. I am VERY impressed with the linkia, and I can't wait to get a shot for you guys......I can't believe the color on this thing!!!! it's the exact color of a tree sponge...very bright! The purple lobster is beautiful and is getting his own tank for now with just a blue leg, two scarlets, a couple ceriths, and several astreas. Anyone got pics of their orange linkia? I'll put some up as soon as he comes out of the bag. ......much much nicer than I had even hoped!


Active Member
Check it out.....I will now take you through my experience....we can't talk about other stores here, but I CAN show you how this one went. Anyone who has ever ordered anything online knows how exciting it is waiting for their stuff to show up.....I am no different!:D Went out at 5 PM yesterday, and like a geek, I kept checking fedex to see where it was the whole way......arrived at about 10:30 am today. Here is the nice box clearly labeled as live fish....hopefully that doesn't tempt some punk ass kid at fedex to shake it or anything.:mad:


Active Member
Here is the nice tight styrofoam container with instuructions for introduction on top, the box and inside container were nicely taped up which actually made it more like Christmas..


Active Member
Heat pads inside were still warm........I looked all over for a thermometer to check the pad heat and inside box heat, but I can't find one anywhere, and the digital I found has dead batteries, so there goes something interesting....anyway, the box and pads were still warm in this rainy 40 degree weather.


Active Member
Got em' floating.....everything looks good, and I'll take pics of everything once I get them into the tank.......VERY nice shipment. I have heard some folks complain about the shipments from here....this is like my 6th one, and EVERYTHING has been perfect! I had an aweful experience with another store recently, that I'm still trying to work out after a month! But I am supposed to finish that one off today as on the way.:)
my wife got me a orange linkia the other day and it is cool. do you know anything about them. my looks like he laying egges or something.


i recently got a Burgundy star and I love it !! Also, i agree about the way stuff ships from . Really nice. My clown and blenny are doing excellent. Infact yesterday was their 1 month B'day in my tank ;)


LOL thanks for taking us through the experiance with you Sammy. Great looking star.:D


Active Member
heres mine, about 4 months now,:) Deerfield Beach is not far away from me I love to see their operation,or even pick stuff up from them, I have always have recieved great items from them:)


Active Member
Pretty tough to get a good shot, but here's the purple lobster. He hid behind a rock. I snapped some pics as soon as he got out of the bag.......he was in full view, and by the time I realized I was close up, but not in macro mode, I had taken about ten blurry pics.....oh, well, here's his head anyway.:)


Active Member
Nerdy.......the pic came out bad on that one, so I had to adjust the contrast, but that is really close to what he looks fiancee and I were really happy with his colors. Picture him with the contrast down a little.....he does have beautiful colors though.


Active Member
I highly doubt the person picking out the specimens to send me has any idea who I am. In fact, Sammystingray, believe it or not, is not actually my real name, and it's not the name I order with.:D :D


Sammystingray.That star is a beauty.If you get another pic of your purple lobster please post.He/she is gorgeous as well.Thanks for sharing.:D .Chris