Rolling the dice w/sea slug?


I just started 2 SW tanks. The 20 gallon is cycled and the 10 gallon is still cycling. I have been utilizing a sea slug I collected from the Gulf to rid my LR from any brown algae.
The slug is a heck-of-a cleaner and I have almost no brown algae as a result. I have been moving it from rock to rock. When the job is done the slug is placed in my large airated transfer cooler (I collect native species of marine life here in S. Fla.) I did a test to see how much you have to tick it off before it spews out toxic ink. I discovered that it will tolerate alot of handling, but if poked forcefuly with a sharp object it will discharge the ink. The slugs tankmates completely ignore it. Once the tanks are completely established I will return the slug to the Gulf.
Has anyone out there used sea slugs in this manner? I know it is a bit risky.