Romaine Lettuce


Active Member
Yes you can feed lettuce to your fish, but your should freeze it first and let it thaw. Something about the veins in the lettuce... It's easier if you just feed the seaweed strips... Lasts longer than a head of lettuce


Active Member
Personal preference or should I say your fishy's preference... I use SeaWeed Select. Have never used the Nori


I have read many threads on here about that. Iceberg lettuce has about no nutritional value. But if you stick with the dark, leafy greens, they are high in vitamins. I have also heard broccoli is good.


Active Member
go with the nori IMO its fresher than seaweed selects and awhole lot cheaper my fish wont touch the seaweed selects but go right after the nori


I give my fish lettuce, as a treat. They love it. I read broccoli is good as well as spinach. I haven't tried either of the latter. Funny to drop in a penny size peice of lettuce and watch my piggy clown 'drag' it around with him!! Also...frozen peas smashed this in an aquarium magazine. They like the peas, but you have to take the shell off. I just do these as treats, not staples. I remove all uneaten within the 1/2 hour.