room for tangs



really? Everyone on here seems to say tangs need a huge tank. I also have a 46 gallon, am curious.


why dont you look into angels. You could get an angel for that size tank with coloring similar to a tang.


Active Member
No. If they were very tiny, then yes you could house them, but then you would have to move them when they got larger. I think that we should only purchase fish that we intend to keep for life, to avoid stressing them to death (literally).


alright how many different threads are you going to start about the same thing. From now on just post 1. Also a tang in a 46 will be more harm then good.


The Yellow Tang is one of the most recognizable saltwater fish available. They are bright yellow in color and do very well in either reef or fish-only tanks. They can be kept in groups of 3 or more, or singly. They are voracious algae eaters.
The Surgeonfish family consists of fish which are colorful, thin-bodied, and usually have an oval shape. These fish have long continuous dorsal and anal fins and crescent tailfins. The scalpel at the base of their tailfin is very sharp and is used by the fish for protection from predators as well as a way of establishing itself with other fish. These fish are usually seen at reefs eating algae all day long.
Photo by member, ElitePhoto: Jay Hague
Size: 2-4 inches
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Bold
Diet: Pellet, Flake, Greens
Origin: Hawaii
Acclimation Time: 3+ hours
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Coral Safe: Yes
Invertebrate Safe: Yes
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