rose anemone?


I placed a rbta in my tank 6 months ago. 3 months later I went on a 4 day vacation. When I returned home I found it wandering the tank, and unhealthy. The person who was feeding the fish didn't push the lights (pc) back in its place It's health slowly deteriorated over the next month and I thought that it had died. Then I noticed about 3 weeks ago that it was still alive, but all thats left of it is the foot. It moves around the rocks a little and today it is attatched to my leather coral. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


Post a pic if you can
Post your water paramiters including calc and alk and PH.
Total wattage of lights, spectrum and any other details you can about lighting.
Do you feed it?
BTA's can wander, and can look rather deflated and sometimes awful when moving, like they are sick. What does it look like in the daytime with lights on?


Thanks Thomas
Readings are:
Ca 500
PH 8.0
Nitrate 5-10
SG 1.023
Ammonia 0
Temp 78
Lighting: 4 65 watts pc and 2 50/50 no standard lights
I feed Dt's 2x week brine shrimp every other day.
Haven't noticed much change in size or color in relation to the lights.


Stop feeding brine shrimp. Start feeding mysis shrimp, krill, frozen plankton.


I'm sorry I don't have a test kit for alkalinity. Should I buy a test kit for this? Is there a certain brand or type of frozen food you recommend? Will this also be a better choice for my fish? I have 1 sailfin tang, maroon clown and coral beauty. I also give them nori. Lots of newbie questions. Thanks for your advice!


If you have any type of reef tank, (anemone) then you definatly need to test for alkalinity. Calcium and alkalinity go hand in hand. If one is really high then chances are the other is too low. Magnesium plays a part in keeping them together as well. So yes get a test kit for alkalinity.
Adult brine shrimp are almost nutritionally worthless. Feed mysis shrimp, silvesides, frozen plankton, krill.


Thanks Thomas, I will pick both up today. Can the anemone damage the leather coral? Do you feel the combination of lights and lack of nutrition are the primary cause? Are anemones more sensitive in regard to alkalinity than other readings? :thinking:


Check out the thread "Whats my anemone doing? by Sly. I just bumped it up and asked Sly to give me a report after a month since his strange incident.
PH and alkalinity have a deffinate affect on anemones and how extended they become. Poor PH and alk will lead to them tighting up and not looking healthy.
Lighting is a possiblility, I would try better nutrition and see what happens after a while. don't let your lighting get to old, keep an extra set of fresh bulbs on hand.
With regards to BTA's rubbing up agains leather corals, I only have this to say. One of mine parked itself for two days between a frogspawn and a leather coral, it never harmed either one, and it had to be touching both most of the time. It wedged itself right between the two. No problems. Does that mean it will work for someone else, I couldn't say.