Rose bubble tip anemone on the move...


New Member
I just recently placed a RBTA in my 112g reef tank. I woke up this morning to him attached to one of my powerheads. He did not appear to be hurt, but was definitely being blown around. I gently nudged him off and placed him back on the floor of the tank. He is now starting to climb the sides of the tank again. Is this normal behavior for the RBTA? Any suggestions? Thanks!


Yes it is normal. Anemones in general will move about the tank until they find a spot they like. This is why adding them to a reef tank can sometimes backfire on you. Try and place your RBTA in a crevice area, that might ease his moving, but don't count on it.


New Member
Thank you for the advise. He found a home in the corner of the tank, which I was happy with. But of course, come night time he moved again and I am unable to find him now. I hope he does not cause any harm to my fish or corals. I'm starting to regret my purchase!


Small flowerpots can aslo help if he keeps moving about. Sometimes the shape, or confines of, makes them feel more at ease. Just another option.