Rose Bubble Tip Anemone


I am thinking of adding a rose BTA to my tank for my clownfish. The thing that bothers me is the price. Most places that I am looking are selling them for 80 bucks. However I found a LFS around here (after calling about 10) that can order me one for 37 bucks. So I guess that is a deal and a half. I actually kept repeating the term "rose, red rose - BUBBLE tip anemone" during the conversation.

Anyways. If anyone has one of these, what are they like? How big do they get? I heard it was on the smaller end. Not like the regular BTA's that can grow 12+ inches. Also I am reading stories about their lighting requirements. Some people are having no problem at all keeping them under PC's - while others can not keep them under halides.
I have some new products coming in this week as far as dosing and filtration. Even though I am worried about messing with my tank chemistry because every where I go I get the same thing. "Your tank is completely flawless". No phophates, silicates, nitrates are undetectable, no ammonia of course and no nitrites. My calcium is staying steady at about 450 PPM but I am not adding magensium in any form at all and my PH needs to be tweeked once a week. My issue with that is that I am tired of constantly monitoring and cleaning of equiptment every other day. So I ordered some C-Balance from Two Little Fishies and some Sea Elements. Both are created by Juliun Sprung. Then I also am adding a couple of bio-slabs to my emperor 400. The same thing used in the biorocker system
Thanks - I know its lengthy.


Mine is about 3-4 inches. My lfs has one about 12 inches across in their show tank so they can get pretty big.


ive had mine for about 6 months now when i bought him he was about 6 inches accross now hes about the size of a dinner plate took him about a month to find a good spot in the tank and hasnt moved ever since. Ive been very happy with him, this is also my second anemone in my tank lost the first to my power head cant stress how important it is to cover your intakes untill he finds a place to call home and be patient it can take som time, alot of people ask about making them plant themselves and i can say that that doesnt work they have to find a place themself to be happy in.
as far as light maybe im behind the times but i dont know all the lingo for the lighting but i have a coralife compact fluorescent with 50/50 10,000k daylight and 03 actinic thats 130 watts and works great for me and for the price they are you really cant beat it.
in my opinion i would say go for it you will be happy and for 34 bucks you cant go wrong i payed 80 for mine and hes worth every penny.



The LFS here has one about 12 inches and he looks great! I know people have kept them under PC's with great success. I have read on a information website dedicated to them that they require 2 -3 watts per gallon Power Compacts or greater.