Rose Bubble Tip vs the tank


Just how much does a RBTA "sting"?
My RBTA decided to went from one end of the 180g to the other side and back...and now it's moving again! I have had this RBTA for about 6 months and the move started 8 days ago.
Water chemestry has not changed and the HM bulbs are new (4 months old).
I have been keeping up with his move by moving all corals out of his way...I just can't keep up anymore...
Will the RBTA kill the corals by stinging them or does it depend on the individual RBTA?
Thanks All!


Active Member
i think it depends if he settles next to a coral then he could kill it after being there for a while.... but if he just passes by the corals should be fine.... i have 2 RBTA's luckily they dont move much and my corals havent been affected but i have noticed other anemones of mine get close to other corals and the corals have retreated.... i think as long as he doesnt settle right next to one for a long period of time then the corals should be fine... i dont know how bad a RBTA stings compared to others but im sure a coral wouldnt :D like it


Thanks...the RBTA actually moved "off" the ledge and came across my it moved back up the rocks and haven't moved about 1 day now...hopefully that's the end of that!