Royal Dottyback - Should I keep it?


New Member
My friend was shutting his tank down today and he still had a Royal Dottyback in the tank he was emptying he said he was going to turn it in to the LFS later today. I told him I would take it. So now I have it, it is about 2-3 inches, it is currently in my quarantine tank. I did a little research on it when I got home with it and from what I read they are an aggressive fish. I am wondering now if it will get along with the fish I already have, I currently have a Yellow Tang 3", Regal tang 3", 2 Percula Clownfish, 2 Engineer Gobies, Flame Angel and a clean up crew. It is a 90 gal tank. I don't want to see it get hurt or it hurt any fish I currently have. My Yellow Tang and Flame Angel are bullies. Do you think I should keep it? it is a very nice looking fish.

gadamuzik tv

New Member
I'm no pro but I truly feel a situation like this will get mixed opinions and leave you with no real direction. I would suggest that monitoring him in the aquarium will be the only TRUE way of knowing if they will get along! Some people are going to hate me for this but some hobbiest get so caught up in either the way they do things or the way the book does it they often forget that not every fish will act the same in similar situations. Hope I've helped and that I have not offended the pros!


Active Member
I have a royal dottyback and have not had any issues. I have a 55 with various fish (hippo, clowns, anthias, wrasse, lmb, lemon peel angel, mandarin) and CUC (with cleaner shrimp). I have never seen any aggression on the royal dottyback's part. But each fish is different.


Well-Known Member
The only things I have ever seen them be aggressive with are other dottybacks, with the stock you listed you shouldn't have a problem.


+1 with what everyone has already said. They are so quick aren't they?
Wait... am I slow?


What I like about Bang Guy:
1. His favorite toy is a toilet plunger
2. He made out with beth in sasquatch's forest
3. He terrorizes Mars
4. He is a [Fill in the Blank]
5. He turns my eyes into holes
6. He reminds me of BTLDReef