royal grama


Active Member
I have no problem with him, Got a royal gramma with two clowns. Here is a pic, please don't mind the hair algea, I'm working on it.


Active Member
Not mine, I've heard some people have problems with aggression but mine are good friends. I think as long as the Gramma has a place to retreat to he will be ok.
Oh and if you get a royal gramma watch him and see if he roars. It is awesome looking, he opens his mouth really wide and looks like he is roaring, it shocked me the first time I saw it.


Active Member
i have 1 with my 2 clowns. well the clown i had longer was about 1 1/2 inch and today i got a smaller one less than 1 inch. and my royal gramma use to fight with my big clown. but lately they stopped. so it depend on the gramma good luck with yours


I got a pic of my gramma "roaring" when I first got him. I figured he was trying to scare his reflection. I had never heard of them doing this before. hehe.
quite funny



Active Member
Cool picture of the roaring gramma! I am still impressed everytime mine does that. He is so peaceful and then suddenly I see he roaring. I am amazed they can open their mouths that much. I want to get a picture of mine roaring, I'll share it if I can catch the right moment.