Royal Gramma - 2 in same tank?


Okay folks, here is the question/problem/situation . . .
I went out of town the last week in January and while I was away my son watched over the tank. A few days into the trip he reported that he had not seem my Royal Gramma. I had had the fish 2 years and was a bit surprised that he would have died, but indeed when I go home, he was nowhere to be found. Several days later, I ordered a replacement R.G. from and added it to the main tank just a few days ago.
Well, tonight guess who showed up in my sump tank? Yep, the original R.G.!!! My recollection is that 2 R.G.s should not be in the same tank, and checking the reference info at this site confirms this. So what the heck do I do now!!!????? Can anyone debunk the info that 2 should not share the same tank? I don't want to have to keep one in the sump, or in my Q.T. tank . . . suggestions???

BTW, my tank is 55 gallons.


Active Member
I have never had 2 at a time but I allways heard the same thing.
Maybe someone here will want one.

Another idea somewhat unsightly is install a plexi divider in the tank.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Maybe someone here will want one.

Good thought . . . maybe so. I would not feel comfortable in my ability to package and ship him safely though. I even thought about taking him to my LFS, but since I did not buy from them, well, . . .
I'd really like to keep my "old" Gramma, but it is probably much easier to catch and remove him from the sump than trying to catch the new one from the display tank.
Man, it would be so much easier if they could co-exist in the main tank, but I don't want to put him back in and lose two fish!!!


Originally Posted by Reef_Dart21
NO even though its 55 they, unless mated, will fight to the death like fresh water bettas do

Ugh . . . this is not good!! I can't believe the little bugger has been living in my sump for nearly 4 weeks now!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by trippclark
Good thought . . . maybe so. I would not feel comfortable in my ability to package and ship him safely though. I even thought about taking him to my LFS, but since I did not buy from them, well, . . .
I'd really like to keep my "old" Gramma, but it is probably much easier to catch and remove him from the sump than trying to catch the new one from the display tank.
Man, it would be so much easier if they could co-exist in the main tank, but I don't want to put him back in and lose two fish!!!
Honestly, if you have had the one for 2 years, he's a good established gramma. So many folks have a hard time keeping them for 1 year much less 2.
LFS probably won't give you much for either one.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Honestly, if you have had the one for 2 years, he's a good established gramma. So many folks have a hard time keeping them for 1 year much less 2.
LFS probably won't give you much for either one.
I think that my short term solution is to move him from the sump to my hospital tank, it is about the same size as the sump but probably safer . . . of course the sump probably has more stable water since it is part of a 65 or so gallon system and the hospital tank is just 10 gallons. I guess there is no urgent hurry though . . . he has been in the sump 4 weeks already!! I can't believe this!?!


Active Member
Originally Posted by trippclark
I think that my short term solution is to move him from the sump to my hospital tank, it is about the same size as the sump but probably safer . . . of course the sump probably has more stable water since it is part of a 65 or so gallon system and the hospital tank is just 10 gallons. I guess there is no urgent hurry though . . . he has been in the sump 4 weeks already!! I can't believe this!?!

Hey, what about one of those hang in the tank breeder things. At least he's in the better water like you say.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Hey, what about one of those hang in the tank breeder things. At least he's in the better water like you say.
That is a thought. Actually, I think that my best next step is to not rush into anything. The little guy has apparently done alright in the sump for a month, so anything that I rush into is likely to just inject stress on the fella. I do need to try to find a good solution in the next few days though, I think. I do wish that I knew a local aquarist that might could provide a good home.