Royal Gramma acting wierd


Hey just a quick question. I let my tank sit with just rock and sand for about 3 weeks, then I added 1 damsel and a gramma about 2 weeks ago ...was having no problems but now my gramma doesn't seem to be acting like he was( would swim around but if he saw you would go to his "cave" in the rocks) now he just hids all the time :notsure:
I hope he isn't going to die , he's my favorite fish so far


Not exactly sure on the water parameters ( don't have the money for a master test kit yet ) which parameters are the ones I should worries about the most S/G, Amonia, nitrates? Gonig to do a 2 gallon water change today, maybe i will get some test strips if you could help me out really fast. Also no the damsel has his own spot he stays in ( he looks fine )


Active Member
Test strips are notoriously inaccuarate. You need too worry about ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, alkalinity, and calcium (though I'm not sure how much calcium affects fish; it is directly related to ph and alk though)
Do you have an lfs that can test your water? If you can't test it how do you know if the cycle was finished?


guessing I guess ....but startd it all with rocks and sand figured 3 weeks was long enough what kinda test do you recomend ( Brand / Style ?)


Active Member
Salifert is generally recommended but they're expensive. I have the aquarium pharmaceuticals test kit and I don't like it. I think the colors are hard to read.


Active Member
If your LR and LS was already cured then your tank might of cycled in three weeks. You definitely need to get your water tested though, I don't think we can help you much until we know your water parameters.


Gonna due that tommorow did change out 2 gallons of water though probably like a 25% change over he is still swimming around ( moved some rock around and that usally gets him going 500 miles an hour) but he still tried to jump out unsucessfully hopefully he makes it another 18-20 untill I can test the water thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by RoyalGamma
Gonna due that tommorow did change out 2 gallons of water though probably like a 25% change over he is still swimming around ( moved some rock around and that usally gets him going 500 miles an hour) but he still tried to jump out unsucessfully hopefully he makes it another 18-20 untill I can test the water thanks for the help



Well woke this morning and there he was floating around the tank

Gonna go and get the water tested and the LFS and buy some kinda testing apparatis.
keep ya informed


Did my testing = 8.0
Ammonia = 0.00-0.25
Nitrite = 0.50
Nitrate = 20-40
Salinity = 1.215
notice my water temp a little high also around 85( been having the lights on to help get my rocks to get colored) don't know if that really helps