Royal Gramma Dead, Why?


Active Member
I have had my royal gramma for about 2 weeks, he was eating fine and looking healthy when all of a sudden he died. There were no signs of ick or anything, all the water parameters are fine (pH: 8.1, Ammo: 0, Nitrate: 0, Nitrite: 0). He was eating fine the day before he died and showed no signs of illness, then the next day he was laying on the sand. Also in the tank with him was a yellow tang, the tang is doing fine and is not showing any illness at all. Does anybody know what could have caused the death of the royal gramma? Any help would be appreciated, thanx.


I like JW's theory but I'll tell you what happened to my royal gramma.....he hide for the first two weks I had him. after that he seemed fine....ate, swam normally, seemed to get along with his tank-mates. He was the first victim of my great Ick outbreak....but he didn't display any of the common signs of ick. He just died.
I'm certainly not wishing this on you but keep close watch on your I'm sure you know, they are very prone to ick infections.