Royal Gramma nest building


Is this normal? he/she picks chunks of debris off the floor and disappears into her hole with them. Can she be pregnant? She's the only Gramma in tank since August.
Also, she has some discoloration on the front purple half. Blotchy faded purple spots in no apparent pattern. Could it be disease?
Otherwise acts/eats in a healthy looking matter. Since I have added hermit crabs she takes a special interest in trying to knock them off the live rock surrounding her hole.
Any insight?


I don't know but mine loves it's hole in the LR too!


Sounds like normal royal gramma behavior to me. Mine used to live under some rocks in the corner but after some rearranging and a couple of fights with crabs and starfish it's moved. Now it resides underneath my open brain while my clownfish sleeps on top of it. Funny how these creatures co-exist.


no pics unfortunately. I don't have a digital camera. Right now it isn't in the budget. I returned one last month that cost $200 because it wasn't that great. Hopefully I'll get a bonus around christmass and pick up a better one.