Royal gramma or royal chicken?


i got a royal gramma earlier this week and i havent seen it since i added it. i just saw it today when i dropped in some frozen brine shrimp. it pops out and eats a bite then swims back into my LR. at the laf it was out and about swimmin around. is this normal behavior? will he/she come out more once its comfortable or do they usually dwell in the lr caves? my other 2 fish are a LMB and a white striped Maroon clown.


The royal gramma I had would come out every now and then, mostly to eat, He was very shy. when you would walk my the tank he would go an hid


my royal grama is awesome he comes out all the time, he swims around and chases my 4 line wrasse he hates that fish. he comes out and follows me around my tank.


New Member
Mine comes out all the time and is usually found swimming above his LR cave. My LFS told me that he is usually a cave dweller and would rarely be seen, but he is usually out when the lights are on.... A pretty good addition to my 55 Gallon.


Don't you just love spending money on a fish that hides all the time. Hopefully it will come out as it gets more comfortable.


my royal hid for three he is like my tang,cant look anywhere in the tank and not see him.but h rock that i have. does like a colony of polyps on a big rock that i have.hangs by it alot.


what do you guys think about the 6-line wrasse? it was my other choice when buying the gramma. i wanted something beautiful and inexpensive for my 29g. are the wrasses a bit less timid?


I like the 6 line. Though, I lost my first one since he refused to eat processed foods. Loved all my bristle worms and flat worms to death though.
I'm thinking of adding both a royal and getting another 6 line to add to my 37.


My gramma hid for a while. I would have to stand about 10 feet away from my tank so he wouldnt swim back to his cave. Now, he is next to fearless. He will take on my small blue tang. They are great fish. They are just shy until they get to know the tank and the feeder.


Active Member
Perhaps he is afraid of your maroon clown which is quite an aggressive fish. My MC isn't afraid of any fish in my tank including my two triggers.


well i just did a complete make over on my tank. a 100% water change, cleaned the substrate and rearranged the LR. and when i got home from work, i noticed hes coming out more now. he still pops in when you make sudden moves, but im glad to see he is coming out more.


I added a royal gamma to my tank, this past week. It hid for a couple days, but now it shows off and wants to be in every picture I take. What a ham and a pleasure to watch.