Royal Gramma Question


I have had a royal gramma for about 2 weeks now, he sleeps under a few rocks comes out to eat everyday and has slowly ventured out further from his little safe spot. Well today a put in a couple new corals and a cleaner shrimp, i also cleaned the tank a little bit. Well now he is occasionally rubbing himself up agains a rock, is this a sign of stress?
I was thinking that maybe i sturred up some junk that kinda collected on him and he was brushing it off. But i heard somebody on here talking about a firefish that would do this type of behavior on the sand, like its rubbing its body against the sand and this fish had ick i think. Does this mean my Gramma has ick...
Help :help:

who dey

Active Member
watch him closely for the next few days. pay attention to white spots on his fins, thats usually where it begins if it is ick



Originally posted by WHO DEY
watch him closely for the next few days. pay attention to white spots on his fins, thats usually where it begins if it is ick

Agree. Monitor closely in the next few days and meanwhile do you have a quaranteen tank??? If not, try and set up a 10g or so. All you need is some filtration and something for the fish to hide into. I personally don't like the idea of adding medication in a reef tank, but if you really can't catch the fish out of your display, get some kick-ick. Kick-ick is known to be reef and invert safe. Good luck.


My royal also started being lethargic and I could see a couple of tiny white spots on his body and he was also scratching on the lr. I was just about to give up trying to get him out of my MT when he swam into the net that I had laid down. I FW dipped him and put him into my 10 gal QT 2 nights ago and have 1 more 2 gal fw change to reach a 14ppt salinity. The spots are gone and he is doing fine and eating well. I wil continue this for at least 6 weeks. I learned all of this from this forum..................Thanks again.


Well i never did see any spots... And today i just got home from work and it was feeding time. He came out with everyone else and ate. He is not scratching hiself anymore that i have seen, still no white spots. Maybe im just being a over protective father. hehe.
Thanks for all the replys.