royal gramma


New Member
I have 55 gal reef and I just noticed last night that my royal gramma is swimming eratically and rubbing against rocks. Does it some sort of infestation, and what should I do? The tank has been set up for 2+ years and has 75+ lbs of live rock. No one else seems to be effected.


Active Member
i had a royal gramma in my tank that gave me ick and made me start all over again. imo quarantine him right away, and then do hyposalinity on ur tank if u dont have any coral, live rock, inverts. or u could quarantine those to, i :confused: think


Active Member
actually, u could leave ur tank with out any fish for 30 days, because ick has a 28 day life cycle. during this time, the ick would die off because it has no host(fish), and ur inverts, and coral(if u have any) wioll not host ick anyways. this is the process im using right now :yes: