Royal Gramma


Hello I recently purchased a royal gramma for my 55 gallon reef tank. He is a very nice looking fish nice one at the shop rather large in size. The fish has been in the tank for about 4 days now he has been chased several times by my yellow tang. He now hides in a cave in my live rock i can see him and he does dart out and quickly nips at the live rock is this him feeding? should i be concerned about my yellow tang chasing him. I am aware that this is a fish that does like to hide.


Active Member
That's pretty much the nature of Royal Grammas! Mine was the king of it's domain for years until I recently moved it into the new tank with several tangs. Now, I'm lucky to see it once a week.
RG's like meaty foods, and seeing it dart out to pick at the rock means it's likely eating pods. My RG practically wiped out the entire pod population when it was in my 29g.


Active Member
yellow tangs are bullies its hard to add anything after them

hopefully your gramma is getting enough to eat and wont die