Royal Gramma


ok i think i want my first fish to be a Royal Gramma i have a 12gl jbj nano
the tank has been up for a month
inverts=3 turbo,3 bumble bee snails, coral banded shrimp, small brittle star (hicther), 2 blue leg hermits,
corals= gsp, frog spaun, zoos
Is this an ok fish and if so what else can i put in with it?


That was my first fish, absolutely gorgeous fish! He stayed in his hiding spot for almost a month before he would venture out. Now he is out until someone gets too close to tank. Kind of a timid fish but not sure if that is the norm. Great coloring and fun to watch swim! I put in two green chromis after that and the three are great together. Good color contrast too! This was in a 30 gal tank however..


Active Member
Awesome fish good choice. I was warned that they arent the hardiest for a 1st fish but I still went for it and she is better than ever. Mine hid for about 3 days, after the 1st day she came out and I thought oh cool shes out and we'll see her. Then my wife came home with a few more pieces of LR to finish our look for the tank, as I add more in from time to time. Well that through the gramma into loop and she hid for 2 straight days. Being concerned that she didnt make it, I started to search through my LR one piece at a time. Finally spotting her in a hole. When she came out unfortunatly she had gotten a bit scuffed up. I felt bad, but a testament to their hardiness she was fine and to my suprise very happy. Her scuff marks on her fins are going away and now with the addition of my 2 false Perculas she loves her tank mates and swims with them all the time. She even comes to visit when people approach the tank. Until you stick your hand in then she gets a bit nervous.
As for another fish, there are a number of different ones you can choose from. But, not another Basslet they are not compatable with each other.
Fire Fish, Yellow Watch man Goby (providing you have alot of sand) Cardnial Fish, Perculas True or False. I dont know alot about all the fish although the Gobies seem to have alot of varieties to their species and people tend to like them alot for their small aquariums. You can also do a cleaner shrimp and or a Fire Shrip, or any shrimp for that matter. My cleaner is awesome has a great little attitude on him even eats like my fish do. Comes out and snatches food right from in front of them


will do
im gonna do a fire fish with it i already got the fire fish (purple) and next week i will get the royal gramma