royal gramma


Active Member
How long as he been in your tank? My was shy the first week. Dont worry if u just put it in there. Mine loves his cave. His whole body is in and sticks his head out


Active Member
Yes, as said they love caves. They like to find a good one and then defend it aggressively.....over time it should come out into the open more but not roam far from the safty of the cave....hopefully, you dont have more aggressive fish that will keep the RG hideing all the time.


Mine does the same thing, he has like 4 different burrows/caves that he pops in and out of.

fish crazy

thanks, ive had him for a month its just him and a clownfish, but i hade 3 damsels bothering him so i took them out do you think he still freaked out.


Originally Posted by Fish Crazy
thanks, ive had him for a month its just him and a clownfish, but i hade 3 damsels bothering him so i took them out do you think he still freaked out.
If you just took the damsels out then he should start to come out a little more soon.


Active Member
i just got mine a few weeks ago and it was doing the same, although now he comes out more often, he usually enjoys staying out of sight except for feeding...
all part of the different interesting personalities that fish bring to your tank


mine was shy, for like the first two days...... my RG is out all the time... it constantly stares at me whenever im near the tank.. follows me wherever i go... if its not out... as soon as i throw food in hes one of the first ones out.


i was worried about my RG for the first week or so he would just be in a tiny cave and he didnt eat for about three days but he started getting used to it and i saw more and more of him and now he is out swimming with my clowns and he is no longer the "shy fish" my parents would ask about